Retail Helpdesk
Store managers and employees have their hands full. There is a lot of pressure on them to perform, and when an issue comes up related to the store’s appearance or upkeep, they are usually busy and on their own to find time to hunt down the appropriate information or contact to get the support they need. Some issues don’t get addressed right away just because it isn’t easy and other things get in the way.
Our Retail Helpdesk is a simplified customer service add-on for your stores that will leverage existing support channels and give you better oversight and ability to make improvements.
We provide the staffing and use our integrated ticket system as a way to handle questions, requests, and other types of issues at scale. We work directly with your internal teams and managers and establish clear escalation and reporting workflows – giving them back time to do their primary jobs. We pass tickets through to separate vendors and providers without disrupting their existing workflows – all while giving your stores a “one stop shop” for support and status visibility.
Our approach is unique, based on 20 years of hands-on experience. Ultimately, we act as an extension of your in-house team to streamline and coordinate all of the different types of specialized support services that you are already getting from individual partners and suppliers.
If you are a retail company with more than 50 locations and you don’t have a good internal “Retail Helpdesk” solution in place, please contact us for more information. Read more in Our Solutions.